mardi 27 janvier 2015

The best work placement!

Hello future interns!

Last week, I did my work placement in Varzy with the veterinary. It was very interesting and varied ! I had a great course supervisor!

                I attended at two cesareans for cows. I saw the veterinary put a plaster cast on the a calf's leg. I held the perfusion when a calf was weakened  j'ai compris l'idée mais il faut reformuler. I used the stethoscope and the otoscope! I helped the veterinary when there was a disease prevention. I tidied the drogs drugs?in the stock. I attended at a consultation of for a dog in the a  car, it's was? so surprising! I saw a horse, cows, calves, cats, dogs and an ewe. We did lots of trips in car and we saw full of beautiful landscapes!

                I worked from Monday to Friday from 9 am to about 12 am and take over ?from 2 pm to about 6 pm.

                I can come back with him when I want!

                If you like the variety and something interesting, you should choose a work placement like that!

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